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ANC Blytheville
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Extension Get Fit
with Pam Pruett

Making improving fitness a New Year’s goal? Join the Spring 2025 Extension Get Fit class. Strength training with both seated and standing routines using hand weights is featured, along with exercise routines to improve flexibility, balance, and endurance. Designed for participants at all fitness levels using low-impact exercises that target a range of muscle groups. Join our University of Arkansas Extension-trained leaders and enthusiastic participants in fun fitness workout sessions to help improve physical, social, mental, and emotional health, too!
The fee is $20.00, payable to instructors when class begins—no online payments.
ANC Briggs-Seabaugh Wellness Center Aerobics Rm.
Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:00-10:00 a.m.
January 8-May 21, 2025.
Upholstery 101
with Debra Huffman

Learn to recover your furniture and save hundreds of dollars!
Debra Huffman will show you how to refurbish a piece of furniture. Bring a small piece to cover, for ottoman, a small chair, or a bench.
This class is fun to work with friends on a project and get great advice and instruction from Debra while updating a favorite piece!
*Students will need to bring the following:
- Staple Gun
- Hammer
- Fabric to cover the project
- Scissors
- Something to pull out staples (Needle Nose Pliers)
ANC Blytheville - A101
Monday & Tuesday, April 7th & 8th
5:30—7:30 PM
Cost: $45
*Deadline to Register:
Self-Defense for Women
with Robin Haught - Angel

This class will focus on self-defense and what the law states. Blytheville Police Department instructors will provide women with the knowledge and basic skill set for self-defense to help students gain awareness and confidence when alone or in a group.
Instructors: Robin Haught-Angel and John David Nelson
ANC Blytheville
Briggs/Sebaugh Wellness Center
Room: Gym
Thursday, April 10
5:00 - 7:00 PM
*Registration Deadline: